Publikationen von Bela Szilagyi

Zeitschriftenartikel (23)

Huerta, E. A.; Kumar, P.; Agarwal, B.; George, D.; Schive, H.-Y.; Pfeiffer, H. P.; Haas, R.; Ren, W.; Chu, T.; Boyle, M. et al.; Hemberger, D. A.; Kidder, L. E.; Scheel , M. A.; Szilagyi, B.: Complete waveform model for compact binaries on eccentric orbits. Physical Review D 95, 024038 (2017)
Haas, R.; Ott, C. D.; Szilagyi, B.; Kaplan, J. D.; Lippuner, J.; Scheel, M. A.; Barkett, K.; Muhlberger, C. D.; Dietrich, T.; Duez, M. D. et al.; Foucart, F.; Pfeiffer, H. P.; Kidder, L. E.; Teukolsky, S. A.: Simulations of inspiraling and merging double neutron stars using the Spectral Einstein Code. Physical Review D 93, 124062 (2016)
Kumar, P.; Chu, T.; Fong, H.; Pfeiffer, H. P.; Boyle, M.; Hemberger, D. A.; Kidder, L. E.; Scheel, M. A.; Szilagyi, B.: Accuracy of binary black hole waveform models for aligned-spin binaries. Physical Review D 93, 104050 (2016)
Foucart, F.; O'Connor, E.; Roberts, L.; Duez, M. D.; Haas, R.; Kidder, L. E.; Ott, C. D.; Pfeiffer, H. P.; Scheel, M. A.; Szilagyi, B.: Post-merger evolution of a neutron star-black hole binary with neutrino transport. Physical Review D 91, 124021 (2015)
Moesta, P.; Andersson, L.; Metzger, J.; Szilagyi, B.; Winicour, J.: The Merger of Small and Large Black Holes. Classical and quantum gravity 32 (23), 235003 (2015)
Hinder, I.; Buonanno, A.; Boyle, M.; Etienne, Z. B.; Healy, J.; Johnson-McDaniel, N. K.; Nagar, A.; Nakano, H.; Pan, Y.; Pfeiffer, H. P. et al.; Pürrer, M.; Reisswig, C.; Scheel, M. A.; Schnetter, E.; Sperhake, U.; Szilagyi, B.; Tichy, W.; Wardell, B.; Zenginoglu, A.; Alic, D.; Bernuzzi, S.; Bode, T.; Brügmann, B.; Buchman, L. T.; Campanelli, M.; Chu, T.; Damour, T.; Grigsby, J. D.; Hannam, M.; Haas, R.; Hemberger, D. A.; Husa, S.; Kidder, L. E.; Laguna, P.; London, L.; Lovelace, G.; Lousto, C. O.; Marronetti, P.; Matzner, R. A.; Mösta, P.; Mroué, A.; Müller, D.; Mundim, B. C.; Nerozzi, A.; Paschalidis, V.; Pollney, D.; Reifenberger, G.; Rezzolla, L.; Shapiro, S. L.; Shoemaker, D.; Taracchini, A.; Taylor, N. W.; Teukolsky, S. A.; Thierfelder, M.; Witek, H.; Zlochower, Y.; The NRAR Collaboration: Error-analysis and comparison to analytical models of numerical waveforms produced by the NRAR Collaboration. Classical and quantum gravity 31 (2), 025012 (2014)
Reisswig, C.; Bishop, N. T.; Pollney, D.; Szilagyi, B.: Characteristic extraction in numerical relativity: binary black hole merger waveforms at null infinity. Classical and quantum gravity 27 (7), 075014 (2010)
Babiuc, M. C.; Bishop, N. T.; Szilagyi, B.; Winicour, J.: Strategies for the Characteristic Extraction of Gravitational Waveforms. Physical Review D 79, 084011 (2009)
Seiler, J.; Szilagyi, B.; Pollney, D.; Rezzolla, L.: Constraint-preserving boundary treatment for a harmonic formulation of the Einstein equations. Classical and quantum gravity 25 (17), 175020 (2008)
Babiuc, M. C.; Alic, D.; Husa, S.; Hinder, I.; Lechner, C.; Schnetter, E.; Szilagyi, B.; Zlochower, Y.; Dorband, N.; Pollney, D. et al.; Winicour, J.: Implementation of standard testbeds for numerical relativity. Classical and Quantum Gravity 25 (12), 125012 (2008)
Rezzolla, L.; Dorband, E. N.; Reisswig, C.; Diener, P.; Pollney, D.; Schnetter, E.; Szilagyi, B.: Spin diagrams for equal-mass black hole binaries with aligned spins. The Astrophysical Journal 679 (2), S. 1422 - 1426 (2008)
Pollney, D.; Reisswig, C.; Rezzolla, L.; Szilagyi, B.; Ansorg, M.; Deris, B.; Diener, P.; Dorband, E. N.; Koppitz, M.; Nagar, A. et al.; Schnetter, E.: Recoil velocities from equal-mass binary black-hole mergers: A systematic investigation of spin-orbit aligned configurations. Physical Review D. 76 (12), 124002 (2007)
Reisswig, C.; Bishop, N. T.; Lai, C. W.; Thornburg, J.; Szilagyi, B.: Characteristic evolutions in numerical relativity using six angular patches. Classical and Quantum Gravity 24, S. S327 - S339 (2007)
Szilagyi, B.; Pollney, D.; Rezzolla, L.; Thornburg, J.; Winicour, J.: An explicit harmonic code for black-hole evolution using excision. Classical and Quantum Gravity 24, S. S275 - S293 (2007)
Babiuc, M. C.; Szilagyi, B.; Winicour, J.: Testing numerical relativity with the shifted gauge wave. Classical and Quantum Gravity 23, S. S319 - S342 (2006)
Babiuc, M. C.; Szilagyi, B.; Winicour, J.: Harmonic Initial-Boundary Evolution in General Relativity. Physical Review D 73, 064017 (2006)
Motamed, M.; Babiuc, M. C.; Szilagyi, B.; Kreiss, H.-O.; Winicour, J.: Finite difference schemes for second order systems describing black holes. Physical Review D 73, 124008 (2006)
Babiuc, M. C.; Szilagyi, B.; Hawke, I.; Zlochower, Y.: Gravitational wave extraction based on Cauchy-characteristic extraction and characteristic evolution. Classical and Quantum Gravity 22 (23), S. 5089 - 5107 (2005)
Szilagyi, B.; Kreiss, H.-O.; Winicour, J.: Modeling the Black Hole Excision Problem. Physical Review D 71, 104035 (2005)
Alcubierre, M.; Allen, G.; Bona, C.; Fiske, D. R.; Goodale, T.; Guzman, F. S.; Hawke, I.; Hawley, S. H.; Husa, S.; Koppitz, M. et al.; Lechner, C.; Pollney, D.; Rideout, D.; Salgado, M.; Schnetter, E.; Seidel, E.; Shinkai, H.-a.; Shoemaker, D.; Szilagyi, B.; Takahashi, R.; Winicour, J.: Toward standard testbeds for numerical relativity. Classical and Quantum Gravity 21 (2), S. 589 - 613 (2004)

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