Publikationen von D. Alic

Zeitschriftenartikel (17)

Dionysopoulou, K.; Alic, D.; Rezzolla, L.: General-relativistic resistive-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of binary neutron stars. Physical Review D 92, 084064 (2015)
Hinder, I.; Buonanno, A.; Boyle, M.; Etienne, Z. B.; Healy, J.; Johnson-McDaniel, N. K.; Nagar, A.; Nakano, H.; Pan, Y.; Pfeiffer, H. P. et al.; Pürrer, M.; Reisswig, C.; Scheel, M. A.; Schnetter, E.; Sperhake, U.; Szilagyi, B.; Tichy, W.; Wardell, B.; Zenginoglu, A.; Alic, D.; Bernuzzi, S.; Bode, T.; Brügmann, B.; Buchman, L. T.; Campanelli, M.; Chu, T.; Damour, T.; Grigsby, J. D.; Hannam, M.; Haas, R.; Hemberger, D. A.; Husa, S.; Kidder, L. E.; Laguna, P.; London, L.; Lovelace, G.; Lousto, C. O.; Marronetti, P.; Matzner, R. A.; Mösta, P.; Mroué, A.; Müller, D.; Mundim, B. C.; Nerozzi, A.; Paschalidis, V.; Pollney, D.; Reifenberger, G.; Rezzolla, L.; Shapiro, S. L.; Shoemaker, D.; Taracchini, A.; Taylor, N. W.; Teukolsky, S. A.; Thierfelder, M.; Witek, H.; Zlochower, Y.; The NRAR Collaboration: Error-analysis and comparison to analytical models of numerical waveforms produced by the NRAR Collaboration. Classical and quantum gravity 31 (2), 025012 (2014)
Alic, D.; Kastaun, W.; Rezzolla, L.: Constraint-damping of the CCZ4 formulation in simulations of binary neutron stars. Physical Review D 88, 064049 (2013)
Dionysopoulou, K.; Alic, D.; Palenzuela, C.; Rezzolla, L.; Giacomazzo, B.: General-Relativistic Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics in three dimensions: formulation and tests. Physical Review D 88 (4), 044020 (2013)
Kastaun, W.; Galeazzi, F.; Alic, D.; Rezzolla, L.; Font, J. A.: On the black hole from merging binary neutron stars: how fast can it spin? Physical Review D 88, 021501 (2013)
Valdez-Alvarado, S.; Palenzuela, C.; Alic, D.; Ureña-López, L. A.: Dynamical evolution of fermion-boson stars. Physical Review D 87, 084040 (2013)
Alic, D.; Bona-Casas, C.; Bona, C.; Rezzolla, L.; Palenzuela, C.: Conformal and covariant formulation of the Z4 system with constraint-violation damping. Physical Review D 85 (6), 064040 (2012)
Alic, D.; Moesta, P.; Rezzolla, L.; Zanotti, O.; Jaramillo, J. L.: Accurate Simulations of Binary Black-Hole Mergers in Force-Free Electrodynamics. Astrophysical Journal 754, 36 (2012)
Cardoso, V.; Gualtieri, L.; Herdeiro, C.; Sperhake, U.; Chesler, P. M.; Lehner, L.; Park, S. C.; Reall, H. S.; Sopuerta, C. F.; Alic, D. et al.; Dias, O. J. C.; Emparan, R.; Ferrari, V.; Giddings, S. B.; Godazgar, M.; Gregory, R.; Hubeny, V. E.; Ishibashi, A.; Landsberg, G.; Lousto, C. O.; Mateos, D.; Moeller, V.; Okawa, H.; Pani, P.; Parker, M. A.; Pretorius, F.; Shibata, M.; Sotani, H.; Wiseman, T.; Witek, H.; Yunes, N.; Zilhao, M.: NR/HEP: roadmap for the future. Classical and quantum gravity 29 (24), 244001 (2012)
Moesta, P.; Alic, D.; Rezzolla, L.; Zanotti, O.; Palenzuela, C.: On the detectability of dual jets from binary black holes. Astrophysical Journal, Letters 749 (2), L32 (2012)
Rödig, C.; Zanotti, O.; Alic, D.: General relativistic radiation hydrodynamics of accretion flows: II. Treating stiff source terms and exploring physical limitations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 426 (2), S. 1613 - 1631 (2012)
Alic, D.; Rezzolla, L.; Hinder, I.; Mösta, P.: Dynamical damping terms for symmetry-seeking shift conditions. Classical and quantum gravity 27 (24), 245023 (2010)
Bernal, A.; Barranco, J.; Alic, D.; Palenzuela, C.: Multistate Boson Stars. Physical Review D. 81, 044031 (2010)
Bernal, A.; Barranco, J.; Alic, D.; Palenzuela, C.: Galactic dark matter halo made of spin-zero bosons. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1241, S. 335 - 342 (2010)
Alic, D.; Bona, C.; Bona-Casas, C.: Towards a gauge-polyvalent Numerical Relativity code. Physical Review D 79, 044026 (2009)
Babiuc, M. C.; Alic, D.; Husa, S.; Hinder, I.; Lechner, C.; Schnetter, E.; Szilagyi, B.; Zlochower, Y.; Dorband, N.; Pollney, D. et al.; Winicour, J.: Implementation of standard testbeds for numerical relativity. Classical and Quantum Gravity 25 (12), 125012 (2008)
Alic, D.; Bona, C.; Bona-Casas, C.; Massó, J.: Efficient implementation of finite volume methods in Numerical Relativity. Physical Review D 76, 104007 (2007)

Konferenzbeitrag (3)

Alic, D.; Bona, C.; Bona-Casas, C.: A new dissipation term for finite-difference simulations in Relativity. In: Spanish Relativity Meeting - Encuentros Relativistas Españoles ERE2007 Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology Tenerife, Spring 2008, S. 213 - 218. Spanish Relativity Meeting - Encuentros Relativistas Españoles ERE2007 Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, Tenerife, 2008. (2008)
Bona, C.; Alic, D.: Gauge and constraint degrees of freedom: from analytical to numerical approximations in General Relativity. In: Spanish Relativity Meeting - Encuentros Relativistas Españoles ERE2007 Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology Tenerife, Spring 2008, S. 69 - 80. Spanish Relativity Meeting - Encuentros Relativistas Españoles ERE2007 Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, Tenerife, 2008. (2008)
Lechner, C.; Alic, D.; Husa, S.: From Tensor Equations to Numerical Code -- Computer Algebra Tools for Numerical Relativity. In: Symbolic and numeric algorithms for scientific computation: SYNASC04, 6th international symposium, Timişoara, Romania, September 26 - 30, 2004 ; proceedings. International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computation. SYNASC, 6 , Timişoara, 26. September 2004 - 30. September 2004. (2004)

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