

der Abteilung Beobachtungsbasierte Relativität und Kosmologie

Zeitschriftenartikel (877)

NANOGrav Collaboration; Johnson, A. D.; Meyers, P. M.; Baker, P. T.; Cornish, N. J.; Hazboun, J. S.; Littenberg, T. B.; Romano, J. D.; Taylor, S. R.; Vallisneri, M. et al.; Vigeland, S. J.; Olum, K. D.; Siemens, X.; Ellis, J. A.; van Haasteren, R.; Hourihane, S.; Agazie, G.; Anumarlapudi, A.; Archibald, A. M.; Arzoumanian, Z.; Blecha, L.; Brazier, A.; Brook, P. R.; Burke-Spolaor, S.; Bécsy, B.; Casey-Clyde, J. A.; Charisi, M.; Chatterjee, S.; Chatziioannou, K.; Cohen, T.; Cordes, J. M.; Crawford, F.; Cromartie, H. T.; Crowter, K.; DeCesar, M. E.; Demorest, P. B.; Dolch, T.; Drachler, B.; Ferrara, E. C.; Fiore, W.; Fonseca, E.; Freedman, G. E.; Garver-Daniels, N.; Gentile, P. A.; Glaser, J.; Good, D. C.; Gültekin, K.; Jennings, R. J.; Jones, M. L.; Kaiser, A. R.; Kaplan, D. L.; Kelley, L. Z.; Kerr, M.; Key, J. S.; Laal, N.; Lam, M. T.; Lamb, W. G.; Lazio, T. J. W.; Lewandowska, N.; Liu, T.; Lorimer, D. R.; Lynch, R. S.; Ma, C.-P.; Madison, D. R.; McEwen, A.; McKee, J. W.; McLaughlin, M. A.; McMann, N.; Meyers, B. W.; Mingarelli, C. M. F.; Mitridate, A.; Ng, C.; Nice, D. J.; Ocker, S. K.; Pennucci, T. T.; Perera, B. B. P.; Pol, N. S.; Radovan, H. A.; Ransom, S. M.; Ray, P. S.; Sardesai, S. C.; Schmiedekamp, C.; Schmiedekamp, A.; Schmitz, K.; Shapiro-Albert, B. J.; Simon, J.; Siwek, M. S.; Stairs, I. H.; Stinebring, D. R.; Stovall, K.; Susobhanan, A.; Swiggum, J. K.; Turner, J. E.; Unal, C.; Wahl, H. M.; Witt, C. A.; Young, O.: The NANOGrav 15-year Gravitational-Wave Background Analysis Pipeline. Physical Review D 109 (10), 103012 (2024)
Agrell, E.; Pook-Kolb, D.; Allen, B.: Glued lattices are better quantizers than K12. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2024)
Allen, B.; Valtolina, S.: Pulsar timing array source ensembles. Physical Review D 109 (8), 083038 (2024)
Amendola, L.; Rodrigues, D. C.; Kumar, S.; Quartin, M.: Constraints on cosmologically coupled black holes from gravitational wave observations and minimal formation mass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 528 (2), S. 2377 - 2390 (2024)
Ashok, A.; Covas, P. B.; Prix, R.; Papa, M. A.: Bayesian F-statistic-based parameter estimation of continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars. Physical Review D 109 (10), 104002 (2024)
Bangale, P.; Bhattacharyya, B.; Camilo, F.; Clark, C. J.; Cognard, I.; DeCesar, M. E.; Ferrara, E. C.; Gentile, P.; Guillemot, L.; Hessels, J. W. T. et al.; Johnson, T. J.; Kerr, M.; McLaughlin, M. A.; Nieder, L.; Ransom, S. M.; Ray, P. S.; Roberts, M. S. E.; Roy, J.; Sanpa-Arsa, S.; Theureau, G.; Wolff, M. T.: A 350-MHz Green Bank Telescope Survey of Unassociated Fermi LAT Sources: Discovery and Timing of Ten Millisecond Pulsars. The Astrophysical Journal 966 (2), 161 (2024)
Barr, E. D.; Dutta, A.; Freire, P. C. C.; Cadelano, M.; Gautam, T.; Kramer, M.; Pallanca, C.; Ransom, S. M.; Ridolfi, A.; Stappers, B. W. et al.; Tauris, T. M.; Krishnan, V. V.; Wex, N.; Bailes, M.; Behrend, J.; Buchner, S.; Burgay, M.; Chen, W.; Champion, D. J.; Chen, C. -. R.; Corongiu, A.; Geyer, M.; Men, Y. P.; Padmanabh, P. V.; Possenti, A.: A pulsar in a binary with a compact object in the mass gap between neutron stars and black holes. Science 383 (6680), S. 275 - 279 (2024)
Carli, E.; Levin, L.; Stappers, B. W.; Barr, E. D.; Breton, R. P.; Buchner, S.; Burgay, M.; Geyer, M.; Kramer, M.; Padmanabh, P. V. et al.; Possenti, A.; Krishnan, V. V.; Becker, W.; Filipović, M. D.; Maitra, C.; Behrend, J.; Champion, D. J.; Chen, W.; Men, Y. P.; Ridolfi, A.: The TRAPUM Small Magellanic Cloud pulsar survey with MeerKAT: I. Discovery of seven new pulsars and two Pulsar Wind Nebula associations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531 (2), S. 2835 - 2863 (2024)
Correia, A.; Wang, Y.-F.; Westerweck, J.; Capano, C. D.: Low evidence for ringdown overtone in GW150914 when marginalizing over time and sky location uncertainty. Physical Review D 110 (4), L041501 (2024)
Datta, S.: Black holes immersed in dark matter: energy condition and sound speed. Physical Review D 109 (10), 104042 (2024)
Datta, S.; Brito, R.; Hughes, S. A.; Klinger, T.; Pani, P.: Tidal heating as a discriminator for horizons in equatorial eccentric extreme mass ratio inspirals. Physical Review D 110 (2), 024048 (2024)
Divyajyoti; Kumar, S.; Tibrewal, S.; Romero-Shaw, I. M.; Mishra, C. K.: Blind spots and biases: the dangers of ignoring eccentricity in gravitational-wave signals from binary black holes. Physical Review D 109 (4), 043037 (2024)
Dodge, O. G.; Breton, R. P.; Clark, C. J.; Burgay, M.; Strader, J.; Au, K. -.; Barr, E. D.; Buchner, S.; Dhillon, V. S.; Ferrara, E. C. et al.; Freire, P. C. C.; Griessmeier, J. -.; Kennedy, M. R.; Kramer, M.; Li, K. -.; Padmanabh, P. V.; Phosrisom, A.; Stappers, B. W.; Swihart, S. J.; Thongmeearkom, T.: Mass estimates from optical modelling of the new TRAPUM redback PSR J1910-5320. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 528 (3), S. 4337 - 4353 (2024)
Fairhurst, S.; Mills, C.; Colpi, M.; Schneider, R.; Sesana, A.; Trinca, A.; Valiante, R.: Identifying heavy stellar black holes at cosmological distances with next generation gravitational-wave observatories. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529 (3), S. 2116 - 2130 (2024)
Goncharov, B.; Donnay, L.; Harms, J.: Inferring fundamental spacetime symmetries with gravitational-wave memory: from LISA to the Einstein Telescope. Physical Review Letters 132 (24), 241401 (2024)
Metidieri, A. R.; Bonga, B.; Krishnan, B.: Tidal deformations of slowly spinning isolated horizons. Physical Review D 110 (2), 024069 (2024)
Mourier, P.; Heinesen, A.: Splitting the spacetime: A systematic analysis of foliation dependence in cosmic averaging. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024 (4), 067 (2024)
Padmanabh, P. V.; Ransom, S. M.; Freire, P. C. C.; Ridolfi, A.; Taylor, J. D.; Choza, C.; Clark, C. J.; Abbate, F.; Bailes, M.; Barr, E. D. et al.; Buchner, S.; Burgay, M.; DeCesar, M. E.; Chen, W.; Corongiu, A.; Champion, D. J.; Dutta, A.; Geyer, M.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Kramer, M.; Possenti, A.; Stairs, I. H.; Stappers, B. W.; Krishnan, V. V.; Vleeschower, L.; Zhang, L.: Discovery and timing of ten new millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster Terzan 5. Astronomy and Astrophysics 686, A166 (2024)
Qiu, Y.; Forteza, X. J.; Mourier, P.: Linear versus nonlinear modeling of black hole ringdowns. Physical Review D 109 (6), 064075 (2024)
Romano, J. D.; Allen, B.: Answers to frequently asked questions about the pulsar timing array Hellings and Downs curve. Classical and Quantum Gravity 41 (17), 175008 (2024)
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