Eine der Kamera zugewandte Gruppe von Personen steht vor einem tempelartigen Rundbau mit grauen Steinsäulen. Alle Personen haben ihre Hände erhoben und winken.

Publikationen von Kyohei Kawaguchi

Zeitschriftenartikel (9)

Ricigliano, G.; Perego, A.; Borhanian, S.; Loffredo, E.; Kawaguchi, K.; Bernuzzi, S.; Lippold, L. C.: xkn: a semi-analytic framework for the modelling of kilonovae. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529 (1), S. 647 - 663 (2024)
Tanaka, M.; Domoto, N.; Aoki, W.; Ishigaki, M. N.; Wanajo, S.; Hotokezaka, K.; Kawaguchi, K.; Kato, D.; Lee, J.-J.; Lee, H.-G. et al.; Hirano, T.; Kotani, T.; Kuzuhara, M.; Nishikawa, J.; Omiya, M.; Tamura, M.; Ueda, A.: Cerium features in kilonova near-infrared spectra: implication from a chemically peculiar star. The Astrophysical Journal 953 (1), 17 (2023)
Narikawa, T.; Uchikata, N.; Kawaguchi, K.; Kiuchi, K.; Kyutoku, K.; Shibata, M.; Tagoshi, H.: Reanalysis of the binary neutron star merger GW170817 using numerical-relativity calibrated waveform models. Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043039 (2020)
Kiuchi, K.; Kawaguchi, K.; Kyutoku , K.; Sekiguchi , Y.; Shibata, M.: Sub-radian-accuracy gravitational waves from coalescing binary neutron stars II: Systematic study on the equation of state, binary mass, and mass ratio. Physical Review D 101, 084006 (2020)
Lamb, G. P.; Tanvir, N. R.; Levan, A. J.; Postigo, A. d. U.; Kawaguchi, K.; Corsi, A.; Evans, P. A.; Malesani, D. B.; Page, K. L.; Wiersema, K. et al.; Fruchter, A. S.; Gompertz, B.; Rosswog, S.; Shibata, M.; Tanaka, M.; van der Horst, A. J.; Cano, Z.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Greiner, J.; Heintz, K.; Higgins, A.; Hjorth, J.; Izzo, L.; Jakobsson, P.; Kann, D. A.; O'Brien, P. T.; Perley, D. A.; Pian, E.; Pugliese, G.; Starling, R. L. C.; Thöne, C. C.; Watson, D.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Xu, D.: Short GRB 160821B: a reverse shock, a refreshed shock, and a well-sampled kilonova. The Astrophysical Journal 883 (1), 48 (2019)
Kawaguchi, K.; Kiuchi, K.; Kyutoku, K.; Sekiguchi, Y.; Shibata, M.; Taniguchi, K.: Frequency-domain gravitational waveform models for inspiraling binary neutron stars. Physical Review D 97, 044044 (2018)
Kawaguchi, K.; Shibata, M.; Tanaka, M.: Radiative transfer simulation for the optical and near-infrared electromagnetic counterparts to GW170817. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 865 (2), L21 (2018)
Coughlin, M.; Dietrich, T.; Kawaguchi, K.; Smartt, S.; Stubbs, C.; Ujevic, M.: Towards rapid transient identification and characterization of kilonovae. The Astrophysical Journal 849 (1), 12 (2017)
Kiuchi, K.; Kawaguchi, K.; Kyutoku, K.; Sekiguchi, Y.; Shibata, M.; Taniguchi, K.: Sub-radian-accuracy gravitational waveforms of coalescing binary neutron stars in numerical relativity. Physical Review D 96, 084060 (2017)

Forschungspapier (3)

Chen, S.; Wang, L.; Hayashi, K.; Kawaguchi, K.; Kiuchi, K.; Shibata, M.: Black hole-neutron star mergers with massive neutron stars in numerical relativity. (2024)
Kawaguchi, K.; Domoto, N.; Fujibayashi, S.; Hayashi, K.; Hamidani, H.; Shibata, M.; Tanaka , M.; Wanajo, S.: Three dimensional end-to-end simulation for kilonova emission from a black-hole neutron-star merger. (2024)
Kawaguchi, K.; Kyutoku, K.; Nakano, H.; Shibata, M.: Extracting the cutoff frequency in the gravitational-wave spectrum of black hole-neutron star mergers. (2017)
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