Past conferences and workshops

December 2 - 6, 2019: Geometry and Duality

Interdisciplinary workshop at the AEI

March 4 - April 12, 2019: Automorphic Structures in String Theory

Program at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

October 29 - November 3, 2017: Automorphic Forms, Mock Modular Forms and String Theory (17w5097)

Workshop at Banff International Research Station

August 29 – October 7, 2016: Automorphic forms, mock modular forms and string theory

Interdisciplinary program at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

November 12 - 20, 2015: Eisenstein Series on Kac-Moody Groups and Applications to Physics

Conference at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study

November 5-7, 2012: The Quantum Quest: A fascinating journey

A workshop to celebrate François' Englert's 80th birthday.

September 10-12, 2012: Black Holes in Supergravity and M/Superstring Theory

Second workshop in a series of workshops organised by the AEI, Cambridge University, Imperial College, Penn State and Texas A&M Universities.

September 6-8, 2012: Symmetries, unification and the search for quantum gravity

Conference on the occasion of Hermann Nicolai's 60th anniversary.

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