
Konferenzbeitrag (687)

Danzmann, K.; LISA Study Team: LISA - a gravitational wave observatory in heliocentric orbit. TAMA International Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection, National Women's Education Centre, Saitama, Japan, 12. November 1996 - 14. November 1996. Frontiers Science Series, S. 111 - 116 (1997)
Heinzel, G.; Mizuno, J.; Schilling, R.; Winkler, W.; Rüdiger, A.; Danzmann, K.: Resonant sideband extraction for detectors with Fabry-Perot arms. TAMA International Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection, National Women's Education Centre, Saitama, Japan, 12. November 1996 - 14. November 1996. Frontiers Science Series, S. 271 - 279 (1997)
Hough, J.; Newton, G. P.; Robertson, N. A.; Ward, H.; Plissi, M.; Robertson, D.; Rowan, S.; Skeldon, K. D.; Strain, K. A.; Casey, M. et al.; McNamara, P.; Torrie, C.; Twyford, S.; Danzmann, K.; Lück, H.; Schrempel, M.; Willke, B.; Aufmuth, P.; Brozek, S.; Rüdiger, A.; Schilling, R.; Winkler, W.; Heinzel, G.; Mizuno, J.; Schnier, D.; Schutz, B. F.: GEO 600: Current Status and Some Aspects of the Design. In: Gravitational Wave Detection: Proceedings of the TAMA International Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection (Hg. Tsubono, K.; Fujimoto, M.-K.; Kuroda, K.). 2nd TAMA Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection, Tokyo, Japan, 12. November 1996 - 14. November 1996. (1997)
Krolak, A.: Estimation of Parameters of Gravitational Waves from Pulsars. In: Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe; Morion Workshop. Editions Frontieres, Bd. 329 (Hg. Giraud-Heraud and J. Tran Thanh Van, Y.). Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe; Morion Workshop. (1997)
Roberts, P.; Dolesi, R.; Maraner, A.; Kaltenegger, L.; Lechner, C.; Nieke, J.; Wilhelm, R.; Peterseim, M.; Sintes, A. M.: FINEST Finder and Observer of Neutron Star Binary Coalescence: A new Concept for Space-Based, Interferometric Detection of Medium-Frequency Gravitational Waves. Fundamental Physics on Space, Alpbach, Austria, 22. Juli 1997 - 31. Juli 1997. Proc. &Quot;Fundamental Physics on Space&Quot SP-420, S. 48 - 54 (1997)
Schutz, B. F.: Gravitational radiation from accreting neutron stars. In: Mathematics of gravitation: proceedings of the Workshop Mathematical Aspects of Theories of Gravitation (Hg. Królak, A.). Workshop Mathematical Aspects of Theories of Gravitation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 29. Februar 1996 - 30. März 1996. Inst. Matematyczny PAN, Warszawa (1997)
Schutz, B. F.: Gravitational waves: The wager. In: Proceedings of the 12th Italian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics, S. 53 - 73 (Hg. Bassan, M.; Ferrari, V.; Francaviglia, M.; Fucito, F.; Modena, I.). 12th Italian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics, Rome, Italy, 23. September 1996 - 27. September 1996. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (1997)
Schutz, B. F.: Introduction to the Analysis of Low-Frequency Gravitational Wave Data. In: Fundamental physics in space: proceedings of the Alpbach Summer School (Hg. Österreich / Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr ). Alpbach Summer School 1997, Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria, 22. Juli 1997 - 31. Juli 1997. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (1997)
Schutz, B. F.: Low-Frequency Sources of Gravitational Waves: A Tutorial. In: Fundamental physics in space: proceedings of the Alpbach Summer School 1997 (Hg. Österreich / Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr / ). Alpbach Summer School, Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria, 22. Juli 1997 - 31. Juli 1997. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (1997)
Schutz, B. F.: The detection of gravitational waves. In: Relativistic Gravitation and Gravitational Radiation; Proceedings of the Les Houches School of Physic (Hg. Marck, J.-A.; Lasota, J.-P.). Les Houches School of Physics, Les Houches, Haute Savoie, 26. September 1995 - 06. Oktober 1995. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1997)
Taylor, I. J.; Schutz, B. F.: The Grid Signal Processing System. In: Astronomical data analysis software and systems VI: [the sixth annual conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems, ADASS VI, was held at Charlottesville, Virginia 22 - 25 October 1995] (Hg. Hunt, G.). Sixth annual conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22. September 1996 - 25. September 1996. Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific, San Francisco, California (1997)
Nicolai, H.; Korotkin, D. A.; Samtleben, H.: Integrable Classical and Quantum Gravity. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Quantum Fields and Quantum Space Time, Cargese, France,, 22. Juli 1996 - 03. August 1996., (1996)
Alcubierre, M.; Allen, G.; Farrar, S.; Schutz, B. F.; Wild, L. A.: Modelling Moving Black Holes. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation, and relativistic field theories, S. 615 (Hg. Jantzen, R. T.; Keiser, G. M.; Ruffini, R.). Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation, and relativistic field theories, Stanford University, 24. Juli 1994 - 30. Juli 1994. World Scientific, River Edge, New Jersey (1996)
Alcubierre, M.; Allen, G.; Schutz, B. F.: Interface Behaviour in an Adaptive Mesh for Hyperbolic Equations. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation, and relativistic field theories, S. 651 (Hg. Jantzen, R. T.; Keiser, G. M.; Ruffini, R.). Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation, and relativistic field theories, Stanford University, 24. Juli 1994 - 30. Juli 1994. (1996)
Alcubierre, M.; Schutz, B. F.: Numerical Instabilities Associated with Gauge Modes. In: The Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories, S. 611 (Hg. Jantzen, R. T.). Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation, and relativistic field theories, Stanford University, California, 24. Juli 1994 - 30. Juli 1994. World Scientific, River Edge, New Jersey (1996)
Compton, K.; Nicholson, D.; Schutz, B. F.: Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation, and relativistic field theories, S. 1078 (Hg. Jantzen, R. T.; Keiser, G. M.; Ruffini, R.). Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation, and relativistic field theories, Stanford University, California, 24. Juli 1994 - 30. Juli 1994. World Scientific, River Edge, New Jersey (1996)
Wellegehausen, B.; Eichmann, H.; Meyer, S.; Momma, C.; Mossavi, K.; Welling, H.; Chichkov, B. N.: Generation of coherent VUV and XUV radiation. In: Fundamentals of laser-matter interaction - ICONO '95, S. 132 - 139 (Hg. Drabovich, K. N.; Koroteev, N. I.). 15th International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics / 8th International Conference on Laser Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 27. Juni 1995 - 01. Juli 1995. SPIE, Bellingham, WA (1996)
Wellegehausen, B.; Mossavi, K.; Eichmann, H.; Chichkov, B. N.: Recent Progress of Nonlinear ShortPulee Tunable W V and XUV Generation. In: Ultracold atoms and Bose-Einstein-condensation (Hg. Burnett, K.). European Quantum Electronics Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 08. September 1996 - 13. September 1996. Optical Society of America, Washington, DC (1996)
Allen, B.; Caldwell, R. R.; Shellard, E. P. S.; Stebbins, A.; Veeraraghavan, S.: Cosmic strings confront COBE. In: Birth of the universe and fundamental physics: proceedings of the international workshop, held in Rome, Italy, 18 - 21 May 1994, S. 251 - 258 (Hg. Occhionero, F.). International Workshop on the Birth of the Universe and Fundamental Physics, Rome, Italy, 18. Mai 1994 - 21. Mai 1994. Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (1995)
Allen, B.; Caldwell, R. R.; Shellard, E. P. S.; Stebbins, A.; Veeraraghavan, S.: Cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropy induced by cosmic strings. In: Proceedings of an International Symposium on Unified Symmetry: in the Small and in the Large, held January 27 - 30, 1994, in Coral Gables, Florida: the twenty-second Coral Gables Conference, S. 166 - 175 (Hg. Kursunoglu, B.; Mintz, S.; Perlmutter, A.). International Symposium on Unified Symmetry: in the Small and in the Large, Coral Gables, Florida, 27. Januar 1994 - 30. Januar 1994. Plenum Press, New York [u.a.] (1995)
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