Dr. Serena Giardino

Astrophysikalische und Kosmologische Relativitätstheorie
Standort Potsdam
+49 331 567-7227


The focus of my current project is to formulate a comprehensive framework that describes the lensing of gravitational waves in realistic modified gravity theories, going beyond the geometric optics approximation. The ultimate goal is using gravitational waves to constrain modified gravity, but I am also interested in constraints coming from the latest cosmological surveys and their implications for dark energy.

Here is a link to my publications from INSPIRE.


I obtained a BSc in Astronomy and a MSc in Theoretical Physics at the University of Bologna, Italy. I carried out the research for my MSc thesis on quantum gravity at LMU Munich, funded by an Erasmus+ scholarship.
I obtained my PhD in 2024, jointly at Heidelberg University and the AEI, under the supervision of Lavinia Heisenberg. The focus of my thesis was a unified framework for modified gravity theories based on thermodynamics.
In July 2024, I joined Miguel Zumalacarregui's group at the AEI as a postdoc. I am regularly involved in scientific outreach activities and engaged in the Equal Opportunity Office at the AEI.

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