Speaker: diverse Room: 103 Host: Benjamin Knispel Location: AEI Hannover, Callinstr. 38

LISA Pathfinder Press Conference

Press Conference
Media representatives are cordially invited to a press conference in Hanover about the first results from the LISA Pathfinder mission. LISA Pathfinder is an ESA satellite mission which tests core elements of a gravitational-wave observatory in space. [more]

Die Nacht, die Wissen schafft 2016

Open Day
On November 12, 2016, the Albert Einstein Institute, together with many other institutes in Hannover, opens its doors for the public from 6 pm until midnight. [more]

Future Day (Zukunftstag) 2017 at the Albert Einstein Institute in Hannover

You are curious and always have wanted to know why the Universe is the way it is? Black holes, laser light and experiments are your passion? If that's the case, studying physics might just be your thing. On April 27, the Albert Einstein Institute Hannover invites to the Zukunftstag where you can experience what the life of physicists is like. [more]

November der Wissenschaft (November of Science) 2018 in Hannover

Öffentlicher Vortrag
Wissenschaft zum Erleben, Staunen, Mitmachen für große und kleine Wissenschaftsfans. [more]
Event as part of the WinterUNI of Leibniz Universität Hannover for students of grades 10-13. [more]
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