Papers published in 2021
by members of the “Continuous Gravitational Waves” research group
Gauza, B.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Rebolo, R.; Álvarez, C.; Osorio, M. R. Z.; Bihain, G.; Caballero, J. A.; Pinfield, D. J.; Telesco, C. M.; Packham, C.: GTC/CanariCam deep mid-infrared imaging survey of northern stars within 5 pc. The Astrophysical Journal 923 (1), 119 (2021)
Ashok, A.; Beheshtipour, B.; Papa, M. A.; Freire , P. C. C.; Steltner, B.; Machenschalk, B.; Behnke, O.; Allen, B.; Prix, R.: New searches for continuous gravitational waves from seven fast pulsars. The Astrophysical Journal 923 (1), 85 (2021)
Dergachev, V.; Papa, M. A.: Search for continuous gravitational waves from small-ellipticity sources at low frequencies. Physical Review D 104 (4), 043003 (2021)
for the publication “Search for continuous gravitational waves from small-ellipticity sources at low frequencies”
Valluri, S. R.; Dergachev, V.; Zhang, X.; Chishtie, F. A.: Fourier transform of the continuous gravitational wave signal. Physical Review D 104 (2), 024065 (2021)
Beheshtipour, B.; Papa, M. A.: Deep learning for clustering of continuous gravitational wave candidates II: identification of low-SNR candidates. Physical Review D 103 (6), 064027 (2021)
Keitel, D.; Tenorio, R.; Ashton, G.; Prix, R.: PyFstat: a Python package for continuous gravitational-wave data analysis. Journal of Open Source Software 6 (60), 3000 (2021)
Dergachev, V.; Papa, M. A.: Results from high-frequency all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from small-ellipticity sources. Physical Review D 103 (6), 063019 (2021)
Steltner, B.; Papa, M. A.; Eggenstein, H.-B.; Allen, B.; Dergachev, V.; Prix, R.; Machenschalk, B.; Walsh , S.; Zhu , S. J.; Kwang, S.: Einstein@Home all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves in LIGO O2 public data. The Astrophysical Journal 909 (1), 79 (2021)
for the publication “Einstein@Home all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves in LIGO O2 public data”
Clark, C. J.; Nieder, L.; Voisin, G.; Allen, B.; Aulbert, C.; Behnke, B.; Breton, R. P.; Choquet, C.; Corongiu, A.; Dhillon, V. S. et al.; Eggenstein, H.-B.; Fehrmann, H.; Guillemot, L.; Harding, A. K.; Kennedy, M. R.; Machenschalk, B.; Marsh, T. R.; Sánchez, D. M.; Mignani, R. P.; Stringer, J.; Wadiasingh, Z.; Wu, J.: Einstein@Home discovery of the gamma-ray millisecond pulsar PSR J2039–5617 confirms its predicted redback nature. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
502 (1), pp. 915 - 934 (2021)
Zhang, Y.; Papa, M. A.; Krishnan, B.; Watts , A. L.: Search for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O2 Data. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 906 (2), L14 (2021)
for the publication “Search for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O2 Data”