Events in 2016

Host: Benjamin Knispel Location: AEI Hannover, Callinstr. 38

LISA Pathfinder Press Conference

Press Conference
Media representatives are cordially invited to a press conference in Hanover about the first results from the LISA Pathfinder mission. LISA Pathfinder is an ESA satellite mission which tests core elements of a gravitational-wave observatory in space. [more]

November der Wissenschaft 2016: „Einsteins Relativitätstheorie im Universum und im Alltag“

Series of talks
How does Einstein's theory determine influence in the universe and our lives? Time dilation, black holes and gravitational waves are consequences of Einstein's theory of relativity. Dr. Benjamin Knispel talks about where these and other relativistic effects occur in the universe, but also how they affect us in our daily lives. [more]

Die Nacht, die Wissen schafft 2016

Open Day
On November 12, 2016, the Albert Einstein Institute, together with many other institutes in Hannover, opens its doors for the public from 6 pm until midnight. [more]

November der Wissenschaft 2016: „Reise ans Ende des Universums“

Series of talks
Visit star crests, supernova explosions, and massive galaxies. Travel with Benjamin Knispel from our earthly home into the depths of space. Passing by stellar crests, exploding suns, and supermassive black holes in galaxy centers, you will explore the universe and the current state of knowledge. [more]

November der Wissenschaft 2016: „Licht – von der Sonne bis zum Laserpointer“

Series of talks
An expedition into the physics of light for everyone from the age of 12. We encounter light every day: the sun is shining, the smartphone's display is lit and lamps illuminate our rooms. But what is light actually? And what exciting physics is behind it? Together, we will find out about these questions. [more]

November der Wissenschaft 2016: „Gravitationswellen – eine Jahrhundert-Entdeckung“

Series of talks
History and research behind the scientific sensation: In September 2015, an international team of more than 1000 researchers detected gravitational waves for the first time. Prof. Dr. Michèle Heurs explains this breakthrough and the Hannover contributions to it. [more]
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