Events in 2018

Location: AEI Potsdam, Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam-Golm

Future Day (Zukunftstag) 2018 at AEI Potsdam

The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam will participate in the Brandenburg Zukunftstag (Future Day) 2018 on 26th April. [more]

Workshop: Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) for Gravitational-Waves

The workshop focuses on introducing non-experts to established ROM/ROQ techniques and building new models (with a view towards LIGO/Virgo’s upcoming observing runs). [more]

Public reading (in English): "Einsteins Berlin"

Public reading
Prof. Dr. Dieter Hoffmann (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) reads from his book "Einsteins Berlin". [more]

Workshop: Higher Symmetries and Quantum Gravity

The purpose of the workshop is to address recent advances in our understanding of Quantum Gravity in various dimensions and, especially, the role played there by higher-spin, conformal, exceptional and other extended symmetries. [more]
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