Events in 2023

Speaker: Benjamin Knispel
On 14 September 2015, a new age of astronomy began. Since then, we have been observing the universe in a completely new way: with gravitational waves. [more]
On 14 September 2015, a new age of astronomy began. Since then, we have been observing the universe in a completely new way: with gravitational waves. [more]
The Hildesheimer Gesellschaft für Astronomie e. V. (HiGA) invites in the context of its series “Science - generally understandable” to a lecture about an area, which has immensely challenged the imagination of people in the past more than 100 years: Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and its importance in our everyday life as well as for the understanding of the universe. [more]
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam and Hannover study gravitational waves. The researchers also measure these extremely weak waves, simulate events, analyze data and develop measuring instruments. With the exhibit of the MPI for Gravitational Physics, you can explore gravitational waves yourself and eavesdrop on the cosmos. [more]
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