Events in 2023

Host: MS Wissenschaft

MS Wissenschaft in the Berlin-Potsdam area

A floating science center with exhibits to try out and participate in. That is the idea behind the MS Wissenschaft. It has now been sailing every summer for the Year of Science for more than 20 years. In the Year of Science 2023 - Our Universe, science, politics and society are taking a look from Earth into space from a variety of perspectives ... and back again. The goal: a stimulating exchange on the major topic of space between citizens and researchers. [more]

MS Wissenschaft in Hanover

A floating science center with exhibits to try out and participate in. That is the idea behind the MS Wissenschaft. It has now been sailing every summer for the Year of Science for more than 20 years. In the Year of Science 2023 - Our Universe, science, politics and society are taking a look from Earth into space from a variety of perspectives ... and back again. The goal: a stimulating exchange on the major topic of space between citizens and researchers. [more]
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam and Hannover study gravitational waves. The researchers also measure these extremely weak waves, simulate events, analyze data and develop measuring instruments. With the exhibit of the MPI for Gravitational Physics, you can explore gravitational waves yourself and eavesdrop on the cosmos. [more]
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