Home Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity News and Events News and Events News and Events in 2015 What powers the explosion of stars? November 30, 2015 Shedding light on the relationship between hypernova, supernova, and gamma-ray bursts more Advanced LIGO detectors begin first observation run September 18, 2015 Key contributions to advanced LIGO from AEI researchers more A large step closer to the first direct detection of gravitational waves May 18, 2015 Albert Einstein Institute researchers make key contributions to advanced LIGO gravitational-wave detectors more It ain't magic: “time-reversal” in neutron star collisions January 29, 2015 Scientists at the AEI find explanation for X-Ray afterglows after gigantic explosions in space more Dr. Maria Alessandra Papa elected Fellow of the American Physical Society January 20, 2015 Prestigious award for key contributions to gravitational-wave astronomy more News in 2014 New director at the Albert Einstein Institute: Prof. Alessandra Buonanno has accepted position at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, Germany January 16, 2014 The US-Italian theoretical physicist will succeed Prof. Bernard F. Schutz in September 2014. more Page«|…|3|4|5|6|7|8