2015 Schedule
Dec 15 - 18 |
28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Geneva |
Nov 30 - Dec 3 |
Einstein Conference: A Century of General Relativity, Harnack House, Berlin |
Nov 24 |
Colloquium, University of Geneva |
Nov 20 |
Public talk, University of Parma |
Nov 1 - 10 |
Visit, University of Maryland, College Park, MD |
Oct 22 - 23 |
Max Planck Society Section Meeting, Harnack House, Berlin |
Oct 5 - 7 |
Workshop "100 Years of Curved Spacetime", Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna |
Sep 6 - 9 |
ERE2015 - Spanish Relativity Meeting "Stepping into the Second Century", University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca |
Aug 3 - 7 |
School on Gravitational Waves: from data to theory and back, ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research, Sao Paulo |
July 8 |
LIGO-Virgo Collaboration Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Hannover |
June 30 - July 3 |
Visit, University of Maryland, College Park, MD |
June 29 |
SXS-collaboration meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY |
June 22 - 27 |
Visit, University of Maryland, College Park, MD |
June 17 - 21 |
Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop 2015 (GWPAW 2015), Osaka |
June 7 - 11 |
Conference: General Relativity & Gravitation; A Centennial Perspective, Penn State University, State College, PA |
May 20 |
Colloquium, Department of Applied Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University |
May 11 - 12 |
Workshop on Black Hole and Gravitational Waves, Cwrt Bleddyn Resort/Cardiff University |
Apr 24 |
Colloquium, Queen Mary College, London |
Apr 13 - 14 |
Meeting of newly appointed Max Planck Directors, Mühlheim |
Mar 16 - 19 |
LIGO-Virgo Collaboration Meeting, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
Mar 2 - 13 |
Visit, University of Maryland, College Park, MD |
Feb 25 - 27 |
Visit, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
Feb 23 - 24 |
Inaugural Celebration and Symposium Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, Pasadena, CA |
Feb 4 - 6 |
Workshop on Compact Objects as Astrophysical and Gravitational Probes, Lorentz Center, Leiden |