Speaker: Benno Willke
Lecture by Benno Willke at the FutureLab "Invisible Universe" in Aachen. [more]

Public talk (in German): Gravitationswellen – Ein neues Fenster ins Weltall

Public talk
Prof. Benno Willke will talk about the current status of gravitational-wave astronomy. [more]
Mit Gravitationswellen belauschen Physiker:innen seit September 2015 zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Menschheit die Dunkle Seite des Universums und hören Schwarze Löcher und Neutronensterne verschmelzen. Möglich ist dies dank hochpräziser Laser, die in Hannover speziell für diesen Zweck entwickelt wurden. [more]

Public talk (in German) “Dark matter”

Public talk
About 90 years ago there were first hints, in the meantime it seems clear: Besides normal matter there is five times more mysterious, invisible “dark matter”, which is only noticeable by its gravity. This lecture summarizes what we know about dark matter, what we don't, and which experiments have searched for it and how. [more]

November of Science “The search for dark matter” (in German)

Public talk
Five times more abundant than normal matter and so far still mysterious: Dark matter [more]
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